Simitless helps resellers manage their product inventory.

Simitless helps resellers manage their product inventory.
Simitless helps resellers manage their product inventory.

App 23/60: Product Inventory Manager

Simitless helps resellers manage their product inventory.

Your store has succeeded in building your customers’ loyalty by making them happy to discover original products, delivering an outstanding customer service and cultivating a friendly and warm atmosphere within your store.

With all the good news, however, these days, you have a new challenge to contend with - you can no longer manage your inventory. Some products seem to simply slip through the cracks of your storage crates. Because when you are sure to have more in stock, you find it impossible to get your hands on this last highly desired article. Consequently, you have no idea how much your inventory is worth. Worse still, calculating your inevitable inventory losses is utterly out of the question. Between the shelves on the main floor and the shelves in the stockroom, you have no idea about the number of items of a certain product you have left, and searching for products without any stock records takes a lot of time.

This is when Simitless comes into play, as it offers you a simple inventory management application model. Consult the application template, then click the " Use this model" button to create your own copy of the app. Simitless is a system that adapts to your needs. Plus, it is risk-free. How so, you wonder? Well, Simitless does not require any disproportionate investment upfront to set your application up and running: try out the app first and then pay only for the necessary resources. At any time, you can either improve and grow your application, or, on the contrary, reduce its size and cut down on its capabilities. We developed Simitless with one core idea in mind – to make an application that would adapt itself to the way you work, not the other way around. To save your progress, think of creating an account by following the instructions on the green buttons!

To start configuring your application, locate the main application menu (). Via this menu, you can access the list of your products, on the one hand, (Products) and that of your suppliers, on the other ( Suppliers). In these two tables, add a record for each product of the range of products you have for sale, then go on and add a record for your suppliers. To keep it simple, this app model accommodates only the resale prices. If you want to keep track of additional specifications, like purchase prices, margin calculations, etc... you can choose from three options: either you yourself modify your application accordingly, or we can do it for you, or you can charge an IT person you trust with this task.

Once these basic data have been added, you can go to the " Main Screen" of the application. On this screen, we have positioned the three types of records that you will need to handle on a more regular basis.

  1. The purchasing table allows you to record a purchase that you make from one of your suppliers. By creating a record (with ), you update your information system with new data, regarding said purchase. This newly created record would obviously contain the purchase date and a link to the record of the supplier, – who has facilitated your acquisition – previously set up in the app. With these things out of the way, you can go on adding details, or Items, pertaining to this purchase (with the button Item). An Item is made up of a product you reference, as part of your range of products for sales, as well as the purchase quantity. These elements enable the information system to automatically calculate the number of articles that currently make up your stocks.
  2. The "Customers" table allows you to create a record for each customer. The customers, whose record has been most recently modified, appear on the main application screen. To find all of your customers’ records, simply click " Customer". As in any Simitless application, you can modify the information fields of your customers’ records to better fit your needs.
  3. Last but not least, the Orders table. As you can surely guess by its name, this table allows you to input data, pertaining to your orders! An order consists of a date, a link to a customer' record, and a series of items purchased. Each item contains a quantity. One handy feature that this Simitless app disposes of is the automatic calculation of the price for each item and the total price for the order. The system will update and recalculate the price every time the data for either component (i.e. quantity, price) is changed.

With each purchase, the application calculates the number of products added to your stock and with each sales order, it will deduct the purchased products from your stock. Thus, you can consult the status of your stock at any time simply by going to the product page of your application ( Products).

Here you are, making your first steps in creating your own inventory management application. If the needs and requirements of your business are simple, the app that we have just been going through with you will be sufficient. If you want something more fancy, with more features or able to handle more information, yet don't think you know how to modify your application yourself, talk to your local IT specialist, we will support them in setting up your system for you! For a limited time, while we are working on setting up our reseller network, we can personally assist you with getting your system up and running.

Article categories: Système d'information Introduction Series How To Getting Started Opinion essay Information System Information Challenge Simitless100 Simitless60 CRM Applications